Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Band Intro #5: Mikey Evans

It was the end of October, and I had the band ready to play, but I felt like I needed one more thing- percussion. I was really at a loss- it takes talent, determination, and focus to be able to play on stage, especially with the distractions of lights and the stage setup, whatever there may be. But then, there was Mikey Evans.

I remember asking him at battle of the bands to play, and I'll be honest: I was first a little worried about Mikey coming in to play. Though I made a very bad mistake: younger does not mean less talented or experienced.

He's not only a great percussionist, but also an upcoming drummer, videographer, artists, and exceptionally talented in live audio mixing. Remember everyone, he is 15 years old! I am speechless with the talent and intelligence.

Mikey is a senior this year with his brother Matt, due to skipping up a few grades. He also acts more mature than anyone I have talked to his age. It's really a great quality though he may feel out of place sometimes (he may not, but I know I did because of my maturity). He needs to know that it's a great gift to be more mature, but to still have a lot of fun, and be intelligent and knowledgeable in so many things.

He is also involved a ton with the Vineyard Community Church Student Union and isn't afraid to tell buddhists he loves Jesus. His love for God and Jesus is incredible, and the spiritual connection when praying or doing an outreach is what some people desire for the rest of their lives.

I think my favorite quality about Mikey (which if you know Mikey, you may agree), is that he is willing to help out in any situation in any way he can. He's a very reliable friend, and I know that he's a great friend to have.

Thanks Mikey, for sound, percussion, helping out, everything you do! I love you like a brother.

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